Interface TokenWithChainDetails

General Token Interface


  • Token
  • Omit<ChainDetails, "name">
    • TokenWithChainDetails


allbridgeChainId: number

Allbridge's Id

apr: string


use apr7d
Token APR

apr30d: string

Token APR based on last 30 days

apr7d: string

Token APR based on last 7 days

bridgeAddress: string

Bridge contract address

cctpAddress?: string

Token CCTP address
Optional. Defined if CCTP supported by token

cctpFeeShare?: string

Token CCTP address
Optional. Defined if CCTP supported by token

chainId?: string

Common Blockchain Id
A 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string

chainName: string

Blockchain network name

chainSymbol: ChainSymbol

Blockchain symbol

chainType: ChainType

Blockchain type

confirmations: number

Number of confirmations required

decimals: number

Token decimals

feeShare: string

Token fee share

lpRate: string

Token LP rate

name: string

Token name

originTokenAddress?: string

Token origin address

poolAddress: string

Token pool address

symbol: string

Token symbol

tokenAddress: string

Token address

transferTime: TransferTime

Average transfer time to other blockchains

txCostAmount: TxCostAmount

Transfers costs

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